Today the world is mainly consisted of people waking up each morning and before even shutting off their alarm clocks they check their phone to see if anybody has texted them overnight or so far this morning. And usually depending on the person, stay hooked or connected to their phone for the rest of the day. Not only is it now the best way to communicate with our best friends, families, and girlfriends/boyfriends the use of our cell phones can connect us to the web which allows us to use our social networking systems to ultimately stay in touch. The truth be known, the original use for cell phones or just being able to call someone from wherever you are when you aren’t able to use your house phone is the very least the device serves for us now days. In fact some people don’t even have home phones anymore, but just strictly use cell phones in place of them. And in some ways this can be beneficial, at least that person who doesn’t own a house phone has one less phone bill to pay. The use now a day starts at a very young age as well, we see kids that haven’t even entered double digits in age and yet they own a cellular device. The younger generation especially feels the need to own this device to stay in touch with their friends up to the minute. Although the view of seeing a very young child texting is a little bizarre, what 9 year old should feel the need to stay connected to friends to keep their attention? Shouldn’t they still be focused on cartoons and such shows? The makeup of the use is very extreme. Some people feel that just by having it in hand in any case of emergency they would feel safer. In that case it can become very handy people using it to call in an accident or they see something that they are an exposed to.
Mainly though it has become the use by our generation and mostly teenagers are the ones that are doing the using. We are definitely the ones who are literally attached to the use of our phones in so many different ways. In fact our society is so big on the use of our phones, we have even come to a point where people die daily because of them. Yes interesting enough some people are dependent on using their phone while they drive, how in the world can you look at the road and look at a phone screen at the same time? Sad to say that I too am of the guilty party, but no worries I’m alive and well but the downside to this did make me realize what I was doing so I could stop. When a teenager or anyone uses their phone while driving, it is not only the teenagers that are affected but everyone who is on that same road next to them, and this is what causes all the danger that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. I really don’t feel that the recent laws that were put in about driving/texting are doing enough for people to stop. We need some kind of school presentation about the dangers we are facing by not paying attention to the icy Minnesota roads.