Thursday, January 27, 2011

Final Catfish Thoughts

Finally finding the right one can sometimes be a very difficult thing in life. Sometimes people initially feel awkward starting a conversation. So the Internet was born, not necessarily for this purpose of course. Although this new way of interacting with other people, mostly for getting to know more people of the opposite gender has become the latest and greatest thing. These great interactive websites such as Facebook and Myspace are two of the top ways on the internet to become acquainted with someone else. We all know that the some of the best parts of life can be obtained through meeting new people, it happens each and every day.
The movie Catfish, was released in September of 2010. The movie is based off the Main character Nev, who finds himself looking for love online. This movie has a great base of what it is like especially for adults, to view what it may be like meeting new people online. It’s great if you like a little suspense although at times it may become predictable, there are a few life lessons that it definitely hits on along the way.
The movie consists of the main character Nev, who is very interested in various artistic things. He comes across an assortment of paintings. Eventually he started contacting who he thinks is an 8 year old artist who is coming up with these amazing paintings over and over again. The movie is a real life documentary of a true story of Nev’s life for a 10 month period. During this time his friends follow him as he exchanges phones call and also text messages with an abundance of people who he has become very close with over these 8 to 9 months. Eventually this leads Nev to wanting to meet this amazing family, which takes in on a trip to Michigan to meet them all.
Watching the movies and playing pretty close attention to Nev the main character, I like the professionalism he shows throughout the documentary. For him finding out that not everything he will encounter not to be real, it would be very easy for anyone to get very upset during this time. Having to travel to meet people(s) that have become more than a part of his everyday life, and find out that you have been more than just played for the amount of time that he was must have been very, very difficult.
I really enjoyed certain parts of the movie, and definitely disliked others. I think that the moral of the story is great, sometimes I felt like the content wasn’t always there. If I recommended this movie to anyone it would be mainly to adults, I think teenagers can relate a little better. Mainly I think that adults can understand these concepts. With teenagers using social networks each and every day they can get the just of the movie. One part that I really took to heart was the ending. The movie based off the word Catfish, really got me to thinking. Basically what the Catfish is, is someone who keeps everyone else going, the lively one of the bunch. Someone who keeps you on your toes at all times. With Nev coming across a “family” that he finds so intriguing and eventually feels a part of and for that all to be whipped away is very devastating. The movie is great at demonstrating a lot of the faults that our social networking sites hold, and are continuing to fix up.

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